Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Jeeps and buses have this nasty habit when it comes to loading and unloading. That is, they stop anywhere they damn well choose to load and unload their passengers, whether it be on the middle of road, straddling over a number of lanes, whatever.Now this jeep was seen in Sucat Road, just after the South Super Highway exit, this morning. Although the picture doesn't seem too bad, take note that one lane of Sucat Road is blocked off for counterflow purposes every morning, leaving just two lanes for those going deeper into Paranaque. So even though this jeep wasn't totally blocking off the road, he did cause some congestion, considering the number of vehicles passing this route.
Now, why couldn't he just move his vehicle closer to the edge of the lane before stopping to take on passengers? In the first place, he shouldn't even be picking up these commuters until after the Sakayan at Babaan sign.
You can easily say that these commuters share the blame. However, since the jeepney driver can decide not to take on these people, or to park in the appropriate location and just have them catch up, I really believe it's more his responsibility. And in case he doesn't follow the rules, then it is the traffic enforcer's responsibility they do. The problem is, where are they?
P.S. Before you go off ranting about these PUV drivers, keep in mind that some private vehicles do this as well.
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