Thursday, October 27, 2005
Filipinos commuters are a weird bunch. They're either in such a big hurry that they're willing to stand in the middle of the road and risk being hit by oncoming traffic, just so they can ride the buses that won't linger on the proper bus stops or get stuck in traffic, such as these ones seen waiting right before the Shaw underpass earlier tonight......or they're so lazy that they don't want to walk that extra minute to go to the proper loading zones, such as these guys waiting at the EDSA-Ayala intersection...
Let's face it. The traffic on the bus stops along EDSA are not just the drivers' fault. It's the fault of the commuters, as well. Unfortunately, it's a chicken or egg situation. If the buses don't stop, then the commuters will be forced to go to the proper loading zones. But if the commuters wait in the right places, then the buses don't need to stop in the wrong places.
Anyway, just imagine if the MMDA or local governments start catching these people for jaywalking. They'd rake it in.
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