Wednesday, December 31, 2008

MMDA Chair Bayani Fernando has announced that the MMDA has done well in the past year, claiming that the U-turn slots, bus loading bays and the strict enforcement of traffic regulations have contributed greatly to the easement of traffic on EDSA. According to the agency's statistics, the average speed on EDSA has risen 50%, from 21.11 km/hr to 31.88 km/hr, since 2003. Also, he says that new programs such as the Organized Bus Route system and the installation of 200 wireless surveillance cameras on EDSA will also bring about more improvements to the traffic flow in the coming year.

We're sure that everything they've done has contributed to the slight improvement in the traffic situation, but they can do so much more. For example, instead of catching yellow lane violators or smoke belchers, why not concentrate enforcement on those buses that load and unload outisde of the loading bays? These guys are a major source of traffic. Why not try and reduce the number of vehicles on the road? There are still tons of coding violators (for God's sake, don't let them go after you've caught and ticketed them. They're not supposed to be on the road so make them leave their vehicle until coding is over!) or vehicles with expired registrations. They should also push to reduce the number of buses since occupancy levels are quite low. As for their U-turn slots, are we the only ones who notice that they actually force vehicles to swerve sharply to the right after they make the turn?

Anyways, enough ranting. What do you guys think?